Aqua Kids
Instructor: Marine Grosjean - Master swimmer and freediving and snorkeling instructor.
4 years teaching Aquakids on Lanzarote in the Canary Islands.
For whom : Children aged 3 1/2 and over
Condition: No fear of water.
Duration: 4 hours of activities from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Course: Swimming lessons in the sea, on the shore 1m deep.
Then a snack break and an activity on the flora and fauna of Moorea's seabed (manual activity, reading, etc.).
Second session in the water for a snorkeling tour to bring what we've learned to life. Those less comfortable will be on a head-out-of-water buoy. For the others, children are guided by a buoy with lots of wrists. The aim is to make them more aware of the marine environment, but also to help them become more independent in terms of safety and snorkeling (fins / masks / snorkels).
Location: Manava Beach Resort & Spa Hotel Moorea - Moorea Blue Diving
Price : 14400FP / kid